Sorry guys it took me so long to get back to this thread. I got my sample 250mg last Monday about 4pm. I measured the amount into 5 50mg capsules so i could always know my dosage, which if you can find a way to dose mid trip can be confusing as hell to figure out at some point and this made it real easy. I had someone coming over in an hour to drop off something so I did a small 20mg bump, before i wanted to really dive. 00+ ...20mg bump 20+ ....i could feel the first effects lingering in and a real good feel from my opioid receptors being tickled. 40+ ....My friend came by to drop of something but was in a hurry luckily because I don't like doing Dissocatives around people, it throws my trip off because of my anxiety disorders, so I prefer to do it isolation yet still connected to cyberspace. It keeps my mind in the moment. 45+...30mg dose I don't know about others but these are roughly the same size lines of Ketamine I do. 60+ ...Still really waiting on it to kick in but at the same time having the really good feeling/happy mood scenario. At this point I setup what will be my entertainment for the night. I set up a tray table next to my desktop with my 27" LCD laptop....Throw some dubstep(DJ MJOLLNIR)he makes some nice 1+ mixes and flip on the Goom visualizations for that floating thru space feeling. 1:30....things start to get a bit distorted but I put down 25mg and snort it because MXE is a slow come up compared to Ketamine. About the time I sniffed the 25mg line things started to slow down a bit and my typing and spelling got ridiculous. 1:40.... the walls started closing in and I'm in my tight little world where everything i need and feeling really good/happy. I find myself staring at my keyboard and typing and then looking up at my sentence i just typed and there being like 5 or 6 extra letter or numbers that dont even belong in the words. So I'm definitaly visually distorted at this point. 2:00... full blown out dissociated so I'm sitting in my chair rocking back and forth and just entralled with my music and visualization, everything distorted, time/ visuals. 2:45 ...snorted 25 mg having fun playing in my little snowglobe of a world. I messed up my visualizations and couldnt get them back on but the music was off. Took ten minutes to realize shut off the computer and reboot it reload music and visuals. Damn MXE was slapping me around in the face like i was her bitch. I get going again and some how I fucked up the visualizations again, took me 5 minutes to remember to shut it down reload music and visualization. 2:50... I get it all right in my world again and then depth perception gets blown out like my keyboard is 5' feet way from where I'm typing. I fuck up the visualizations again, I get enraged with the madness of making the same mistake over and over and over and not knowing how i was doing it but I was slowly learning that reloading the system fixed it faster and faster, MXE was a sneaky bitch but it only took so long before I started to learn her ways. 3:20...blown out visual distortion still did another 25mg and knew it was gonna be the last of the night. I was gonna be in my trip for another 3 hours. I don't know were to really go from here I did 175mg through the course of the night doing those bumps extended my trip by a couple hours. it was about a 8 hours trip, but then there was the comedown which i didnt find any thing annoying or bothersome about. When i got bored I simply went and laid down in the bed and slept for like 5 hours didnt have any problems sleeping and got up and had my regular kinda day. After effects: The next day there was still some equilibrium effects and i had a mean headache for about half the day, but i realized after i ate around 2pm the headaches started fading, because I hadn't eaten anything for like 16 hours. So the headaches could be just from lack of food. No real hangover just a little clumsy for the rest of the day. MXE seems much more like a DXM trip to me than a Ketamine type analogue. I got no synesthesia from the MXE or very little. I love the synesthesia from Ketamine. I still prefer Ketamine over MXE but would not just plain turn down MXE. I think it's a great dissociative a little sneaky, with a touch of kitty. I found Ketamine to cause more psychedelic hallucinations than MXE which is why i prefer Ketamine over MXE. Both are really fun stuff to dabble in. I'd advise first time dissociative users to try ketamine first to see if you like dissociatives first because being locked into a 3-4 hour dissociative state and having a panic attack is not gonna be pretty. With Ketamine your trip is 20 minutes tops. If you like dissociatives and have not tried MXE jump right in you will enjoy yourself. I'll definately be getting more for times when I run out of Ketamine. Good Times! Any questions feel free to ask.